Sturm, Ruger, and Co. have been manufacturing guns in the United States since 1949. Ruger produces a full line of rifles, pistols, and revolvers. What many people don’t realize is that Ruger is the largest firearms manufacturer in the United States. There are many popular guns in the Ruger line. Ruger dominates the market in … Read more
Online CHP
There are a number of things that anyone who is considering getting a license to carry a concealed gun should be aware of. Some considerations are practical like what kind of weapon do I want to carry and what style of holster do I prefer. Other considerations are not so mundane. One of the most … Read more
If you are carrying a concealed gun, choosing shirts for your wardrobe can be a challenge. Your work situation, your body style, and how you want to carry are all factors to be considered when choosing shirts. There are some shirts on the market that are deemed by the manufacturer to be “concealed carry shirts.” … Read more
Did you know that your bulky normal winter jacket may be exactly the wrong thing to choose for a concealed carry jacket? Many people think that their regular everyday winter jacket will be just the thing for concealed carry, but in reality, there are a lot of factors to consider first. There are a lot … Read more
Sometimes carrying a concealed gun on your person just isn’t an option. When that occasion arises and you still want to have your firearm close at hand and reasonably accessible, an option may be a concealed carry backpack. Backpacks designed for concealed carry offer not just a way to conceal your gun off your body, … Read more
You probably spent a lot of time deciding what gun to carry, what method of carrying you want to use, and what holster best fits your style – basically learning about everything concealed carry. How much time have you spent practicing getting that gun out of that holster and into a ready position should the … Read more
When you decide to carry a concealed gun, you also decide to make a lot of adjustments to your lifestyle, including your wardrobe. The whole concept of concealment requires most people to rethink certain elements of their wardrobe and their daily dress habits to carry their concealed firearm effectively. Think about the different styles of … Read more
It seems like the latest buzz in concealed carry the past few years has been the sub-compact striker-fired pistols offered by the major manufacturers like Glock, Sig, and Kimber. Often overlooked in this frenzy of the striker-fired single-action subcompact concealed carry pistols is the Springfield Armory XDE Concealed carry handgun. You will notice the difference … Read more
There is one thing that often is overlooked by most concealed carry license holders. I hope you haven’t forgotten about it. I am talking about concealed carry insurance. Most concealed carry license holders have no idea what is going to happen should they ever have to draw and fire that gun. At that moment, your … Read more
One of the challenges facing many people who decide to carry concealed daily is modifying or adapting their wardrobe to facilitate carrying concealed. Some choose holsters that will work with their normal wardrobe. Others elect to carry in non-traditional ways using belly-bends, ankle holsters or even a pocket holster. One option that appeals to many … Read more