Gun Drawing 101: Helpful Tips to Always Be Prepared

Are you new to guns and looking for a straightforward introduction to gun drawing? In this article, we will discuss things a firearm enthusiast should know when preparing to use their gun safely, and some handy practical tips to ensure that you are always ready to fire your weapon when necessary.

Gun Drawing – Essential Gun Drawing Safety Rules

First, you must commit to the following simple but effective rules for gun drawing safety:

  • Always be aware of your target—and of what is behind it
  • Only place your finger on the trigger if you are confident about firing
  • Only aim your gun at things you are willing to destroy
  • Treat every gun as if loaded—even if it is unloaded

You are responsible for ensuring that your firearms are secure, locked away, and safe from people who should not get their hands on them. You may be surprised to learn that millions of children in different parts of the world live in houses with unlocked and loaded firearms. 

Law enforcement authorities impose serious punishments on anyone who does not practice safety while handling or carrying a firearm. You could even face jail time if it is discovered that a child has easy access to your firearm.

Though many modern, high-quality firearms will never fire unless the trigger is pressed, human error is still the most significant factor leading to gun accidents that involve serious injury or fatality. Restraint should be the main rule for any firearm—the best way to prevent an accident is never to point your gun at something you are unwilling to see destroyed.

Critical Considerations Before Gun Drawing

Aspiring and experienced gun owners alike must be mindful of these considerations before drawing their gun. Sadly, many firearm safety courses only focus on gun drawing, trigger control, marksmanship, and holstering, and neglect these other vital parts of training that should be understood before a gun is ever drawn.

Nobody should want to use his or her weapon against a living target—but a gun owner must be willing to do so when his life or the life of another is on the line. As a gun owner, there are certain measures you can take ahead of time that will prevent misfire or other issues from occurring when you draw your firearm against a target.

Here is a list of things you should consider before gun drawing—basic prerequisites that will ensure your gun is always ready to draw.

Choose Concealed Carry

Not everyone has the privilege of carrying a loaded weapon on their person. If you are lucky enough to have this privilege available to you, make sure you take advantage of the opportunity in line with local law.

Concealing your gun is arguably the best way to carry a firearm, whether in public or at home. It will help you maintain the element of surprise, and will increase your chance of shooting accurately in a gun drawing situation.

Learn the Handling and Mechanical Characteristics of Your Firearm

Every firearm is different. The method of handling and carrying each weapon will vary according to its respective mechanical characteristics. Avoid handling a gun without first becoming acquainted with it.

Best practices involve thoroughly reading your weapon’s instruction manual, familiarizing yourself with every aspect of your gun, as well as understanding any manufacturer recommendations or instructions. This will also include learning how to properly and safely store your gun.

Gun ownership is a full-time job. When it comes to gun drawing, there can be no room for guesswork. If you want to draw your piece like a professional, you will want to know your gun inside and out. 

Learn Your Local Area’s Laws

Never neglect your local area’s laws regarding gun drawing. Even by drawing your weapon on a potential target, you may find yourself running afoul of the law. Authorities could confiscate your gun and penalize you if you violate local gun laws. Stay in the clear by learning your area’s gun laws—especially related to gun drawing—and knowing them by heart.

Again, restraint is the best preventative measure. In general, do not carry your firearm in public. Only draw your weapon in a situation when you are sure the law permits it. Avoid purchasing guns from unauthorized dealers. Resolving legal issues that arise from unauthorized gun drawing can be a lengthy and costly process—and could lead to hefty fines or even jail time, depending on the situation.

Invest in a Reliable Safe

Every gun owner must invest in a quality safe, particularly if he or she has children in their home. However, children are not the only consideration for a gun owner—visiting relatives, house guests, nosy neighbors, housekeepers, etc. could get their hands on your weapon if it is not stored properly. An unsecured weapon could lead to terrible accidents.

Most modern safes are excellent for gun-keeping. They have smooth and secure locking features, ensuring that only the owner can access the weapon through a key, code, or fingerprint. 

Some companies develop safes with keypads. Accessing these is remarkably easy, and can be quicker than with traditional varieties. Keypad safes are particularly handy in the case of an emergency, as they allow rapid access to your gun while keeping other firearms (if you have them) secure and away from unwanted attention.

Knowing that your gun is away from prying hands will not only ensure that your firearm is safe, but will also give you added confidence when gun drawing. With your weapon drawn at a nearby target, you won’t want to be worrying about whether your other firearms are safe or not.

Never Neglect Maintenance

Regular gun maintenance could save you from deadly encounters. Why? Because an unmaintained weapon may fail you when you need it most. Rust formation and various other elements can lead to your firearm failing. You may find yourself in a situation when, after gun drawing, you pull the trigger only to discover that your gun will not fire. A misfire or a jam is the last thing anyone wants while defending himself.

Remember, you are betting your life—and possibly the lives of others—on your gun. Gun maintenance should include cleaning and lubricating your firearm after returning from the range. You can get gun cleaning kits at almost any gun store. A standard kit will include jags, rods, lubrication oil, solvents, and everything else required to clean your weapon thoroughly.

Be Considerate About Loaded Guns

Keeping loaded firearms in your house is a no-go—in fact, it is illegal in some areas. Illegal or not, storing a loaded gun at home is dangerous. Keeping your weapon loaded may sound like the best way to remain prepared for a hostile situation or home invasion, but in reality it will prove to be a liability instead of an asset.

The best practice is to keep guns separate from ammunition. If carrying a loaded gun is a must, then always be sure to keep it locked when not in use.

Keep Your Firearm in Check

Gun owners should always keep their weapons in sight, and should never let their pieces lay around idle. When carrying your gun in public, be aware of its location at all times. People often lose their firearm while walking, due to loose holsters or other factors. 

As far as gun drawing is concerned, you must be able to draw your firearm at a moment’s notice—and not knowing where your gun is at any given moment would prove a major obstacle!

Muzzle Discipline for Gun Drawing

Be mindful that others may be near you or your potential target, especially outdoors. Ensure muzzle discipline by not permitting your muzzle to be carelessly or mistakenly pointed at people or objects. Shooting should always be safe, whether in a range or during an encounter.

Don’t Forget to Practice

Stay up to date with gun training techniques and safety. Do not assume you know everything there is to know about firearms simply because you have years of law enforcement, hunting, or military experience. While you may have more knowledge than the average gun owner, nothing can exempt you from the responsibility to stay current on gun safety and to always be improving your skill.

When it comes to gun drawing, each encounter is unique. You could easily find yourself in an encounter so vastly different from any previous situation, that the quality of your training could mean the difference between life or death. Go to the shooting range as often as you can, and put yourself in the company of experienced gun owners.

Gun Drawing – Next Steps

With these basic preparations in place, you’ll be well on your way to gun drawing like a pro. For more information on what to do in a gun drawing scenario, see our 6 Steps to Draw a Gun – A Beginner’s Guide… and then get out there and practice! No matter how much you read about drawing a gun, it will never replace range time and practicing on your own. Good luck!